Monday, July 25, 2011

Aye Aye..!

Some days ago my husband surprised me with the marine dress I wanted; well, it wasn't actually a surprise because he called to ask my size, but the surprise was that he entered the shop and bought clothes for me, something he hadn't done in years!!

It fits a little loose, so I'll have to shorten the shoulder straps, I'll try not to kill it!

My husband also said it would look perfect on me at our next vacations destiny, which is a total mystery for me, only my son knows where and the made a promise not to tell me, and it's driving me crazy!!!
By now the clues are that the country has probably a language of its own, it has coasts, it's in Europe; but to be honest I'm sure they are both driving me crazy and are all lies!!


  1. Es una monada :D
    ¡Qué intriga con el destino vacacional, yo no podría vivir! xD

  2. que precioso regalo de tu marido :D el vestido queda perfecto con tu estilo y con el pañuelo que compraste *_* ya te lo quiero ver puesto :D

  3. ranzuki: Thanks!!

    Mercury: Ya te digo, hace MESES que me están torturando con no decirme.., al final ayer me lo dijeron para que me ocupe de sacar los pasajes y esas cosas.., jajaja!! Y lo mejor es que es un destino INCREIBLE!! Ya lo contaré en algun momento..

    Bagt: La verdad es que me sorprendió que me lo comprara él.., no es muy dado a entrar en tiendas de ropa, jejeje!

    ((*natsi*)): Muchas gracias! ^^


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Natalia L.
♥ ♥ ♥

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