Who doesn't like receiving mail from time to time? Even if it's a letter, a postcard or cute little gifts!
I love writing letters or sending postcards, it's so nice starting the day with these little pleasures!
This morning while checking my mailbox as I do every morning (I'm waiting 2 little packages, actually 3, but I think one is lost for good ;_;), I found a letter I wasn't expecting and had me smiling all day long..
This morning while checking my mailbox as I do every morning (I'm waiting 2 little packages, actually 3, but I think one is lost for good ;_;), I found a letter I wasn't expecting and had me smiling all day long..
Remember this post I made about Chinatsu Higashi two weeks ago? Well.., I wrote her some mails letting her know how much I loved her artwork, she expressed her love for Spain so I recomended some places to visit if she comes.
I must say she sounds lovely by mail.., and I was right! She's so nice and kind that sent me a cute envelop with some gifts of her artwork!
I must say she sounds lovely by mail.., and I was right! She's so nice and kind that sent me a cute envelop with some gifts of her artwork!

Inside the envelope there were three postcards of my favourite drawing, the stylish bunnies , a little plastic envelope with some stickers also made by her, and a postcard of a girl written on the back from her to me, thanking my mails. I think the envelope, which is beautiful with all those little flowers in pink and blue, is also designed by her!!
As you can see, I'm really happy and thrilled. Now I have to think what I can send her!!
OMG! que detallazo!! ojala todo el mundo fuera así.
ReplyDeleteAhora me ha dado envidia , caca, caca
Aww :D how nice! This is an example of how putting yourself out there and contacting people you admire can go well! I love getting mail too, there is something so exciting about it.
ReplyDeleteAdoro ese tipo de detalles, y también me gusta mandar cartas con regalitos dentro n___n
ReplyDeleteQue detallazo, debe haber sido genial ^^
ReplyDeleteQué encanto de mujer la verdad, ha sido todo un detalle desde luego si me pasase algo similar con alguno de mis autores favoritos creo que saltaría de alegría.
ReplyDeleteY la verdad es que creo que te haré caso, entraré en modo desconexión y que les den a todos porque estoy de aguantar tonterías familiares bastante harta la verdad.
Ala que guaaaaaaaaay Sis, ole ole y ole! Algo para no olvidar, eh? ¿Vas a poner las cositas en algún sitio de la casa? :3!!
ReplyDeleteLa tarta de Hello Kitty estaba riquísima, ya comeremos una cuando vengas, jejejeje!
Aaah, what a wonderful letter! And she included treasures! How marvelous.
WOW que pasada!! No me extraña que estés flipando (L) vaya un detalle!
ReplyDeleteChica, pero que cositas mas monas que pones T__T
looks so lovely! Receiving mail always makes me happy too :)
ReplyDeleteoh wow how nice! very cute stuff.
ReplyDeleteYa te sigo ya te sigo!!! No me eches más bronca! XDDDDDD.
ReplyDeleteBesos y cuídate.
Pero que monada de chica!
ReplyDeleteSeguro que le hizo muchísimailusión tu carta :3
Aw, what a sweet little package. And yes, mail is always special. I think handwritten notes especially so.
ReplyDeleteOh, how cute!
ReplyDeleteoooh que bonito! es un detalle que te haya mandado una carta por eso :3
ReplyDeletea mi me encantan las carta ♥ puedes guardarlas para siempre ^-^