Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Lately I've been sewing for my neglected Blythe doll. I mean, I adore her, but sometimes I can be really lazy, and if things don't come out as I want in the first try, I quit them!
But this time, since my friend Tamar gave me lots of supplies for sewing when I was in Barcelona last winter, I decided to try harder!

So yesterday, Aprilia and I (and my son, who was really helpful holding her while I was taking the photos), went for a walk with her new favourite dress, handmade by me.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Aprilia, the Tree Girl.

Dress: Handmade by me.
Hairband: Handmade by me.
Shoes: "Cveonres Als Talr" (lol) from ebay.


  1. Me morí al verla "dormidita". :3

  2. es todo un amor de muñeca <3
    El vestido te ha quedado precioso ^_^

  3. You are so talented! The pictures are so cute :)


  4. awww que lenda, tiene pecas XDD, yo quisiera una blythe.. es mas me gusta guardar fotos de ellas, pero no creo que gastara mucho jajaja, quizas una o dos me compraria!! Te quedo lindo el vestido


    Pd. La playa es bien diferente a la de El Salvador, nosotros tenemos playas con mas oleaje, aunque tambine hay una tranquilita, total choque de cultura ajajajaa, pero del bueno.

  5. Es simplemente precioso... hace mucho tiempo que quiero una Blythe, a ver si estas Navidades cae una =P Yo te entiendo con lo de los regalos, la verdad es que toda mi familia me da dinero para las celebraciones, solo mis amigos me dan regalos así XD


  6. Es preciosa!! Me encanta el vestido :)


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Thank you SO much!

Cada vez que comentan, me hacen feliz y sonrío.
Muchisimas gracias!

Natalia L.
♥ ♥ ♥

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